Friday, October 28, 2011

Removing the left-hand navigation in SharePoint 2010

When designing the layout and branding for new SharePoint 2010 sites, some people may wish to hide the left-hand navigation and only use top navigation. Hiding the left-hand navigation allows for more space for content and a possible cleaner looking interface. In SharePoint’s Site Settings, you can turn off the quick launch and tree view, however that still leaves the navigation bar on the page with only a recycling bin. In order to entirely remove the bar, you would need to either modify the master page or CSS linked to the master page.
In SharePoint 2010, this can be done pretty easily in the CSS file by modifying the following two

styles.#s4-leftpanel { display:none; }

That style controls the left navigation panel, and setting the display to none effectively hides the entire section. Hiding this section is not enough though, since the body area uses a left margin to specify where to start the body section. So you would also need to modify the following style, to tell the body area to start at 5 pixels from the left, or wherever you want to start the main

area..s4-ca { margin-left: 5px; background: transparent; }

Originally from

Friday, November 13, 2009

Migrate or Move you SPD Workflow

The need came up to move one of my workflows to a different server, this workflow was running on a Form Library based created from publishing an InfoPath form. I tried to migrate the whole site using stsadm however when I tried running the workflow it was broken. I tried to to fix the broken steps but it became a pain.

I few Google searches later and I found this:

It worked like a charm, there was still some clean up to be done, but the clean up proved to be easier than when I migrated the whole site. Actually, the clean up that needed to happen was due to the fact that I missed some columns when I recreated the Form Library in my destination site. If you prepare your destination site to match your original site, this should work without a problem.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The search service is currently offline

Woke up one day and I had the following error when accessing my MOSS Search Settings.

"The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services on Server page in Share Point Central Administration to verify whether the service is enabled. The might also be because an indexer move is in progress."

The error was popping up in two places.

1. Like I mentioned above when going into SSP then Search Settings
2. When going into User Profiles and Properties then View import log

I found a solution in the following link.

The solution I used was in the first comment and not the blog post itself.

I had to open the command prompt, then navigate to Bin folder and last, I ran the following command.

psconfig -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait

It will bring down your site for a moment, I assume while restarting IIS, so you might want to run it off hours or notify your users that the site will be down for maintenance.

Sigh! crisis averted!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Easy to follow Web Part Tutorial

If you're new at building custom Web Parts and have gone through tons of tutorials only to get dazed and confused over and over again, well then this tutorial might be of some help. This is by far the easiest Web Part tutorial I have come across.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Install WSS 3.0 and Visual Studio Extensions on Vista

I was getting ready to install the Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on my computer running Vista. As soon I ran the executable I got an error that said "This product can only be installed if Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 has been installed first."

After digging around online I found this registry hack the allows you to install the extensions without a problem.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0] "Sharepoint"="Installed"

Web Part Templates for Visual Studio 2008

Save time when creating Sharepoint Web Parts with CodePlex Smart Templates for Visual Studio 2008.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Access Sharepoint from your Mobile device.

I've been looking for a solution to allow my end users to access SharePoint from both a Blackberry and iPhone.

Here are a couple of things I've found, I will post more if I find anything else.

For iPhone: iShare from Spyk Software Cost from App Store = $9.99
For Blackberry: Mobile Documents from WickSoft Don't have cost for this yet.

I'll probably give these two solutions a try, I will post what I find.